Abstract deadline is fast approaching for the 2023 Brain Barriers Cold Spring Harbor conference, March 28th-April 1st! Top scientists from both academia and industry in the brain barriers field will be there to share their latest research through talks and posters. We will also have sessions focused on enhancing DEI in our field, as well as a workshop on how to write a constructive peer review.
Come share and connect with your BBB colleagues at this historic venue!
Maria Lehtinen, Boston Children's Hospital
Julie Siegenthaler, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus
Benoit Vanhollebeke, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Joy Zuchero, Denali Therapeutics
Abstract deadline: January 20
Early registration discount deadline: March 23rd
Please reach out to co-organizer Joy Zuchero for any additional questions (