International Brain Barriers Society (IBBS)
The IBBS is the world's largest organization of scientists, clinicians, postdoctoral fellows, and students devoted to understanding the biological barriers of the brain and nervous system. We are an international scientific and educational nonprofit organization, founded in 2006, with over 350 members in more than 25 countries worldwide.
The IBBS is an international scientific and educational nonprofit which holds a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit designation.
- IBBS encourages, promotes and advocates scientific and clinical research on the biological barriers in the central nervous system (CNS).
- IBBS accumulates information about barriers in the CNS and promotes its dissemination to scientists, physicians, patients, policy makers, public and private funding agencies and other concerned parties.
- IBBS educates the general public and medical profession about the existence, diagnosis and treatment of disorders involving the barriers of the CNS.