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Offer Description

The recruited person will have to carry out his research project independently, under the responsibility of the project manager and in interaction with the other members of the team. He/She will also have to participate in the various common laboratory tasks (inventory management, orders, organization of cell culture, etc.).

Within the framework of the TRANSCAN-3 JTC 2022 ReachGLIO project, the recruited person will be in contact with the European partners of the project and will have to get involved in the activities of the consortium.


Under the responsibility of the project manager, the recruited person will be in charge of:

  • Experiments of the TRANSCAN-3 JTC 2022 ReachGLIO project (in vitro experiments using BBB/ BBTB models)
  • Drafting of protocols,
  • Formatting and presentation of results during laboratory meetings as well as during scientific conferences and congresses,
  • Scientific monitoring related to the project,
  • Preparation of scientific articles.
Abstract of the ReachGLio project

Reaching the heterogeneous vascular landscape of glioblastoma with multifunctional nanomedi-cines.

Glioblastoma (GBM) - the most frequent and aggressive brain tumor - treatment has not changed in the last 25 years. All clinical trials have failed, mostly because of the limited penetration of the drugs through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and their poor distribution in the heterogeneous GBM tissue. Strategies to selectively open the BBB and the use of nanoparticles (NPs) improving the drug penetration into tumors and malignant cells, have been proposed, although they have not arrived to clinical trials yet.

Hypothesis and aims

We hypothesize that the combination of BBB opening approaches with drug loaded and tumor-targeted NPs can improve the treatment of GBM patients. To prove this thesis, two leads will be followed:
1) SNGR-TNF, a potent and stable derivative of NGR-TNF molecule with the ability to permeate the BBB and already validated in brain lymphomas, will be tested in combination with temozolomide.
2) We will design, synthesize and characterize NPs loaded with highly active anti-GBM drugs and functionalized with specific peptides to improve tumor penetration and access to cancer stem cells. Finally, the most promising NPs will be then tested in combination with SNGR-TNF.


Candidate nanomedicines will be screened in state-of-the-art in vitro GBM models deve-loped by our experts in GBM biology. In vivo experimental therapy studies using SNGR-TNF and nanomedicines will be carried out on clinically relevant GBM mouse models and spontaneous ca-nine gliomas. Our experts in photonics will analyze the distribution of nanocarriers and drugs in cells and tumors.

Potential impact

ReachGLIO will provide the pre-clinical framework needed to develop a novel and effective therapy for GBM based on NP loaded with potent anti-GBM drugs, alone or in combination with SNGR-TNF. This work will attract future investments needed to conduct Investigational New Drug-enabling studies and, eventually, GBM clinical trials.

Work Locations

Artois University, Faculté des Sciences Jean Perrin, Laboratoire de la barrière Hémato-Encéphalique, 62307 LENS.

Education level, Research field

PhD in a field related to cell biology or physiology;

  • Cellular biology: Culture of human cells (endothelial cells, pericytes, astrocytes, glioblastoma cells), phase contrast microscopy, fluorescence microscopy. Biochemistry: RT qPCR, Western-blot. Nanoparticles transport studies.
  • Excellent communication skills in English (written & verbal).
  • Proactive team spirit and also able to work independently.
Specific Requirements

Experience with in vitro models and nanoparticles is a plus.




To apply, please follow this link: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/167825