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We are pleased to inform you that NeuroToxicology (2019 impact factor: 3.1) will be publishing a Special Issue on “Implication of Blood-Brain Interfaces in Neurotoxicity and Brain Disorders” with Drs. Wei Zheng, Jean-Francois Ghersi-Egea and Fang Liu as Guest Editors.

We believe this Special Issue provides an excellent opportunity for scientists to share their research work on the functions of blood-brain interfaces to highlight the roles of blood-brain interfaces in chemical-induced brain diseases and disorders. As this will be a Virtual Special Issue, submitted papers will go to print in the first available issue of NeuroToxicology upon acceptance. By publishing articles in the journal’s first available issue (online and print), we ensure that accepted articles are fully citable without delay as with traditional Special Issue publication routes. Please note that submission of a manuscript is not a guarantee of acceptance for publication in the journal. All manuscripts are subjected to the regular peer-review process of NeuroToxicology.

In recognition of your eminent contributions in this field, we would like to invite you to contribute a manuscript that is relevant to the topic. Your manuscript may be original research or a review article. We would appreciate your consideration of submitting a manuscript and would like to get your confirmation and preliminary title of your contribution by July 31, 2021. The timeline for the final version submission is September 30, 2021.

For more information, see Implication of Blood-Brain Interfaces in Neurotoxicity and Brain Disorders - Call for Papers - Elsevier

We are looking forward to your accepting of the invitation!

Yours sincerely,

Wei Zheng, Jean-Francois Ghersi-Egea and Fang Liu

Wei Zheng, Ph.D.,
Visiting Professor at French National Institute of Health
& Medical Research (INSERM) in Lyon, France
Professor of Health Sciences and Toxicology
School of Health Sciences, Purdue University 
550 Stadium Mall Drive, HAMP-1273
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jean-Francois Ghersi-Egea
Lyon Neurosciences Research
Center, Neurocampus building
95, boulevard Pinel – 69675,
Lyon, France

Fang Liu, PhD
Division of Neurotoxicology
Food and Drug Administration
Jefferson, Arkansas, United States